Śląskie smaki

Creation of Concordia and Amalia coal mines

(1801, 1841)

1801 1841 1872 1922 1926-1973 1973-1997 1991-currently

Concordia coal mine was built in the center of today’s Zabrze, at the junction of streets ul. Hagera and ul. Kasprowicza. It belonged to Karl Lazarus von Donnersmarck, who as an owner of Zabrze obtained in 1828 a coal basin with an area of 1.5km. The mine started working in year 1841. In year 1848 the management was entrusted to his son Guido Henckel von Donnersmark. In year 1851 a coal basin Michael was attached to Concordia. It was exploiting shallowly-seated coal stratum Pochhammer (currently seam 510).
Soon in the surrounding area a coking plant and ironworks Donnersmarck was built.

In 1801, i.e. 40 years before Concordia mine started working, Amalia coal mine started excavation at the south border of its mine basin. It was the first privately-owned coal mine in Zabrze. The excavation was started through an exploit of seam Amalia (currently seam 507). Amalia coal mine was attached to Concordia in year 1876.

Guido Henckel von Donnersmarck

Guido Henckel von Donnersmarck

Constructing supports

Loading the vibrating conveyor in the longwall

Loading of the material into a cart

Concordia and Amalia coal mines’ geology

Cross-section through Amalia coal mine’s deposit

Cross-section through Concordia coal mine’s deposit

Original map from 1848 with selected coal mine borders and basins

Mining output and employment in Concordia and Amalia coal mines


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