Śląskie smaki

Maciej SHAFT

Our restaurant is an ideal place to take your guests for an elegant lunch or dinner in a room that can accommodate (depending on the setting) about 100 people. A unique attraction is the possibility of organizing a dinner at the top of the observation tower, 25 meters above the ground.

The menu of the Maciej Shaft restaurant is based on the individual experience of the members of the gastronomic team, who gained it in the country and abroad. The dishes on our menu are inspired by international cuisine, among others, but our main pillar is localism, which resulted in joining the prestigious culinary trail “Silesian Flavors” and supplementing our a’la carte offer with a separate Silesian menu.

„Through taste sensations, the outside world reaches our consciousness, which we often remember as part of our native culture, which we identify with years later and miss […].”

Z. Szromba-Rysowa, Taste of food in the aspect of cultural identity,


The menu of the “Maciej Shaft” restaurant is a resultant of the experience that our entire team has. Some of our cooks, before joining Maciej Shaft, worked abroad, where they explored the culinary routes of different parts of the world. The cooks, who are indigenous to Silesia, use in their work the recipes of the regional cuisine, which are embedded in the industrial tradition of Silesia and have been passed down from generation to generation.

The regional cuisine menu features dishes based on Silesian krupnioka, traditional Zabrze sour soup and game dishes inspired by old recipes from the region. The A’la Carte menu is the result of culinary journeys to many corners of the world, which inspired such dishes as oriental ramen or seafood variations.

See our menu


The catering team is led by Chef Dominik Więcek and Restaurant and Bistro Manager Justyna Czeleń. Our team consists of specialists who have had the opportunity to develop their skills and gain knowledge both locally and internationally.

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w Szybie Maciej

Zorganizuj swoje przyjęcie weselne w historycznych wnętrzach z nowoczesnym akcentem. Szyb Maciej to wyjątkowe miejsce, które połaczy elegancję, niezapomnianą atmosferę oraz doskonałe menu.